Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop 1st Anniversary Coming Soon! Two Modes Added!
SEGA has released the Bomb and Searchlight modes for their puzzle adventure game Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop on Apple Arcade today. You can also input specific commands to unlock hidden bonus features. While we wait for the 1st anniversary on April 4, hop on the game and discover what's new!
Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop – App Store
Indonesia: https://apple.co/puyo-puyo-id
Malaysia: https://apple.co/puyo-puyo-my
Philippines: https://apple.co/puyo-puyo-ph
Singapore: https://apple.co/puyo-puyo-sg
Thailand: https://apple.co/puyo-puyo-th
Take Your Puyo Popping to The Next Level With 2 Additional Modes!
Test your skills in Solo and Multiplayer with Bomb and Searchlight!
Bombs appear instead of Garbage Puyos.
Pop the Puyos around them before they explode when their timers reach 0!
The field is pitch black! Shine your trusty searchlight and get to popping those Puyos!
Special Surprise Added!
A special playable surprise has been released.
Input a certain command on the Title Screen and watch the magic happen!
Fight Against Frog Stacking CPUs!
Inputting a new secret command will enable CPU opponents to use Frog Stacking in Solo battles. You can access this feature from the opponent selection screen.
*Frog Stacking: A method of randomly stacking Puyos in the 3 columns on the right to potentially form a chain.